Quest to Attend 2014 Stateline Home & Business Expo
Quest is proud to announce that our team will be attending the 2014 Stateline Home & Business Expo in Monroe, Wisconsin at the SLICE Arena April 3rd - 4th. We are excited to be participating in such a great program within the community and hear that spots have been filling quickly! If you are looking to get more information about what types of businesses there are in Monroe or network with other business owners in the area, this is where you will want to be that weekend. The Monroe Chamber of Commerce has done a great job with getting this expo set up, so let’s help them make it a success. Save time for it on your calendar, to see what is new in the Monroe area and hear about the latest products and innovations Quest has developed. We will announce later what product will be taken to the expo, but keep in mind that we always have new solutions that are custom tailored for your business. This year is about making your company more efficient and productive and we want to help you achieve your goals. If you are interested in talking with one of our specialists, please call to set up an appointment. We would be more than willing to meet with you at the show to discuss what solutions would work for you and your company. For more information about the expo, please visit the Monroe Chamber.