Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletizer or Robotic Palletiser
With QBOX Pallet Building Software from – which is custom edge detection software built in to allow for maximum stacking efficiency.
Boxed-Bot is a space saving fully functional Robotic Palletizer or Robotic Palletiser that is part of the Quest Q-PACT ROBOTIC PALLETIZER LINE.
- Boxed-Bot allows an operator to design and produce exact pallet patterns quickly and easily from bags to boxes and other various product types – allowing for easy change over from product to product when palletising
- This Robotic palletizer is the most technologically-intuitive operator interface available on the market, with complete click-and-drag enabled pallet pattern building.
- Companies no longer need to bring in expensive and experienced programmers, saving time and money.
- Boxed-bot: Robotic Palletiser is user friendly and allows operators to create or select saved pallet patterns to fit a customer’s specifications – all with the use of the interactive touchscreen system on the HMI.
By Saving time, space and money,
Boxed-Bot can easily MAXIMIZE PROFITS!
Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletizer HIGHLIGHTS
- Fully enabled Touch Screen Controls
- Covers less than a 2 x 3 pallet footprint
- Got-Bot QBOX software built-in to allow for maximum palletising efficiency
- Intuitive for the end-user with an average of 10 minutes of training needed
- Boxed-Bot an automated palletizer on a skid based system allowing for minimal and effortless installation time
STANDARD CONFIGURATIONS of Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletiser
- 10″ Interactive Touch Screen with extended features
- In-feed Conveyor
- Manual available within touch screen
- Robot DCS allowing for a greater work envelope while maintaining safety
- Safety Compliant Controls and Design
Boxed-Bot Automated Palletizer OPTIMIZATION
- Customized Pallet Patterns built in and prior patterns can be saved for your operators’ convenience allowing for previously palletised product patterns to be brought up almost immediately reducing downtime and changeover
- Customized Tooling to make sure your palletisation is efficient and effective
- Label Out-In Orientation Capable
We believe your company will
see an ROI in under 1 year with our Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletizer!
SPECIFICATIONS for Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletiser
Robotic Palletizer Dimensions
- Base Machine Size is 8′ x 10′ -one of the most small and compact automated palletizers available
Palletisation Capacity
- Pick loads of up to 100lbs/unit
- Bags, Boxes, Blocks & Dunnage
Robotic Palletizer Speed
- Up to 40 units per minute (Dependent upon product type, weight and size)
Construction for Boxed-Bot
- 304 Stainless Steel or Mild Steel Options Available
- Allen-Bradley – consisting of an operator controlled touch screen HMI drag & drop interface
Ease of Maintenance:
- Boxed-Bot: Robotic Palletizer is built with ease of use and maintenance in mind – with features such as full sensor and real time diagnostics that come standard on the HMI
- Your company will have no need to bring in expensive programmers to retrain your robotic palletiser, now your operators can quickly change layouts immediately, saving you time and money.
Additional Options for Boxed-Bot: Automated Palletizer:
- Outfeed Pallet Conveyors
- Product Weight Verification
- Code Scanning
- All Stainless Steel Base Construction
- Qleen-Line Conveyor System
- Stretch Wrapping